av TOF | jan 11, 2024 | Nyheter
TOF expert presented environmental, health and social methods, development implications and management in an international course on Electricity Transmission and distribution for the Future. Emphasis was put on case studies to illustrate approach.
av TOF | mar 29, 2023 | Nyheter
TOF for the German Development Bank (KfW) is conducting environmental and social (E&S) screening of 25 field stations in Indonesia for an ambitious and innovative project in Indonesia. The INABRAIN Project – Acquisition of Indonesian Biodiversity as Fundamental...
av TOF | feb 7, 2023 | Nyheter
TOF Presents at International Conference, ASIA2023 TOF presents a paper on Benefit Sharing in energy projects at the ASIA2023. The paper is based on international experience and lessons learned. TOF also coauthors a paper and presentation on renewable energy...
av TOF | feb 7, 2023 | Nyheter
TOF is leading a new course with ICH on SIA within the context of ESIA to be held in Ghana in May 2023.
av TOF | feb 7, 2023 | Nyheter
TOF completed three projects in Indonesia funded by the by the German Development Bank (KfW) in 2022 on environmental and social safeguards and labour regulatory/practice assessments and engaged with various stakeholders.
av TOF | feb 7, 2023 | Nyheter
TOF expert presented environmental, health and social methods, development implications and management in an international course on Electricity Transmission and distribution for the Future.