av TOF | jan 11, 2024 | TOF Capacity Building
TOF expert presented environmental, health and social methods, development implications and management, and case examples in an international course on Electricity Transmission and distribution for the Future. Course was managed by ICH, Trondheim, and Financed by...
av TOF | jan 11, 2024 | TOF Capacity Building
TOF led and designed a new course with ICH on Environmental and Social Governance for Renewable Energy. Nairobi, Kenya. October 2023. Course managed by ICH, Trondheim and financed by Norad (Norwegian Development Cooperation)
av TOF | feb 7, 2023 | TOF Capacity Building
TOF is leading a new course with ICH on SIA within the context of ESIA to be held in Ghana in May 2023.
av TOF | feb 7, 2023 | TOF Capacity Building
TOF expert presented environmental, health and social methods, development implications and management in an international course on Electricity Transmission and distribution for the Future. Course in managed by ICH, Trondheim, and Financed by Norad (Norwegian...
av TOF | mar 19, 2021 | TOF Capacity Building
Subjects include update on licensing processes (construction, impact assessments, etc), stakeholder engagement and conflicts, and benefit sharing as a keep mechanism for obtaining a social license to operate.
av TOF | mar 19, 2021 | TOF Capacity Building
TOF will focus on energy, gender, labour, ecosystem services and natural resources. Webinars of various lengths will be developed 1 day, 3 days and half day courses.