TOF Vietnam Team
The team in Vietnam includes experts in social, environmental and community livelihoods, ethnic minorities, indigenous knowledge, forest, climate change, with experience in management and implementation of the development projects with funding from bilateral and multilateral international organizations. The team members are knowledgeable at the concepts of sustainable development, especially the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with experience in the following areas:
Research and implement the development projects with interventions related to issues of promoting sustainable development in all three areas of Environment – Society – Economy. In particular, in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation, forest resource conservation, community forest management, land and forest use rights, livelihood, indigenous knowledge, gender equality and equality of ethnic groups;
Develop community organizations, network of civil organization of communities, especially promote the disadvantaged groups for better position, collective action, and actively participating in the development process;
Experience in FPIC processes and facilitator for achieving board community support (BCS);
Priority is given to supporting the most vulnerable groups, ethnic minorities and women towards self-help in self-development;
Good skills in speaking and writing Vietnamese and English.
Download description about The TOF Vietnam Team in English and Vietnamese